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  Home > Health

SALT, PEPPER & LEMON Found To Cure These 9 Problems Better Than Any Medicine


 May 16th, 2016  |  08:56 AM  |   1917 views



It is of great to find a natural way to protect ourselves and prevent disease. Pepper, salt and lemon are not only for salad, they can also be used as medicine separately and combined together. Here is what you can treat with black pepper, lemon and salt.


Stuffy Nose


If your nose is clogged up, you can relieve stuffiness by getting yourself to sneeze. Simply mix equal amounts of black pepper, cinnamon, cumin, and cardamom seeds into a mortar and pestle and grind until you make a powder. Smell the mixture slowly and embrace the sneeze.


Weight Loss


Drink ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water if you want to speed your metabolism. Lemon’s polyphenols prevent weight gain and boost insulin sensitivity which aid in burning fat.




Mix half a teaspoon each of ground pepper and clove oil to heal an aching tooth. Apply the mixture on your sore tooth. In order to prevent toothache, floss and brush your teeth two times a day. Also, it is important to avoid sugary or acidic foods.


Relieve Asthma Attacks


Black pepper can also help you reduce asthma attacks. You need to boil 8 to 10 grains of pepper, 2 clove buds and 10 to 15 basil leaves in water. Let the brew sit for about 15 minutes, strain it and add 2 spoons of honey. Let it cool off. You can refrigerate it for about 2 weeks and add milk to improve the taste.




To take care of nosebleeds just soak a piece of cotton in some lemon juice, and stick it in your nostril. Bring your head slightly forward, so the blood does not drip in your throat. This will also prevent nausea. The nosebleed will stop almost instantly.



Cold and Flu


Squeeze half a lemon in a large cup of boiled water if you want to get rid of a common cold. This will help you get relief from common cold. Allow the peel and the pulp to steep in water for up to 10 minutes.  Remove the lemon and add a spoonful of organic war honey. Drink the remedy as needed until you feel relieved.


Sore throat


Get rid of your sore throat by mixing 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, half a teaspoon of black pepper and a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle a few times daily to relieve your sore throat and prevent coughing.




It is simple just combine 3 parts of olive oil, 1 part of lemon juice and 1 part of black pepper. Use the remedy to dissolve gallstones.


Canker Sores


Just dissolve 1 tablespoon of Himalayan salt into a cup of warm water and swish it around your mouth after every meal. This will help clear away bad bacteria and promote healing. If you’re brave, add a little lemon too: it’ll sting, but your cancer sorewill quickly melt away.



courtesy of NATURALNEWS

by Sherice


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