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Curtin Malaysia’s Department Of Civil And Construction Engineering Conducts Environmental Awareness Programme For Primary School Children


 December 10th, 2023  |  14:24 PM  |   598 views



Miri – 7 December 2023 – In a concerted effort to instill a sense of environmental

responsibility among young minds, staff of the Department of Civil and Construction

Engineering at Curtin University Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) conducted an awareness

program for primary school children at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Baram 2 near here



The programme was spearheaded by Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and

Construction Engineering, Dr. Tony Hadibarata, in line with Curtin’s vision to make a

difference for people and our planet through partnership. The programme focused on

essential environmental practices, specifically rainwater harvesting and waste management.

“Curtin Malaysia is committed to fostering environmental awareness and sustainable

practices in the local community. Through this awareness programme, we aim to instil a

sense of responsibility and awareness of sustainable environment practices in the younger

generation. By engaging students in practical activities, the programme seeks to empower

them with the knowledge and skills needed for sustainable living,” said Dr. Hadibarata.

With the support of corporate partners ADA Enterprise and Weida Integrated Industries Sdn.

Bhd., the department successfully installed rainwater harvesting facilities at the school

located in a rural area about 25 kilometres from Miri City. Dr. Hadibarata said this initiative

aims to address water conservation and sustainable practices while providing tangible

solutions for the school and its community.


Civil and construction engineering lecturer Dr. Paran Anak Gani subsequently gave the

children a talk on the benefits of rainwater harvesting and the importance of maintaining a

sustainable source of clean water in daily life.


“We truly appreciate the support of our corporate partners in these efforts, working together

to inspire the younger generation to preserve water sources and reduce pollution. This

initiative will not only impact daily life at SK Kuala Baram 2 but the rain harvesting facilities

will also serve as an educational tool for the children to understand the importance of

sustainable water practices,” said Dr. Paran.


Another academic from the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Dr.

Muhammad Noor Hazwan Bin Jusoh, delivered an insightful talk on waste management and

composting for the children. His expertise shed light on the importance of responsible waste

disposal and the benefits of composting in reducing environmental impact.

He also offered a practical solution for the school where food wastes from the school

canteen can be used for composting. To kickstart the project, the children were provided

compost bags and soil and Dr. Muhammad Noor Hazwan guided them through the process,

emphasisng the significance of composting in reducing waste and preserving the



“By allowing them to actively engage in the composting process at their school, we are not

only educating but empowering the youngsters, fostering a practical understanding of their

role in environmental sustainability,” said Dr. Muhammad Noor Hazwan.

Meanwhile, headmaster of SK Kuala Baram 2, Mohammad Bin Kindang, expressed

gratitude to the staff of the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering for their efforts.


“We appreciate the contribution of the university and its partners to the well-being of our

school community, and their commitment to cultivating a generation of environmentally

conscious individuals who will become future stewards of the environment,” he said.

“By reaching out to primary school children, Curtin Malaysia's Department of Civil and

Construction Engineering is sowing the seeds for a greener, more sustainable future.”


Curtin Malaysia, the largest global campus of Curtin University, Western Australia, is located

in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. It is committed to providing high-quality education and impactful

research, contributing to the development of the region and beyond.




by Corporate Affairs Department, Curtin University


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