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DaRE Host Head of Marketing of Fashion Valet Session

The event presented by Tan Vee Dee, Head of Marketing of FashionValet


 November 27th, 2016  |  06:01 AM  |   3196 views



DARE (Darussalam Enterprise) hosted an engagement session with Tan Ven Dee Head of Marketing of Fashion Valet on Saturday, 26th of November 2016 at the 1st Level, Auditorium at the Design & Technology Building located at the Anggerek Desa Technology Park. 



The event began with presentations from Ms Tan which was titled ‘6 Lessons to learn through the growth of FashionValet’. During the session Ms Tan shared her experiences working with FashionValet which started off with very little but now has morphed into Asia’s favorite online store carrying over 400 brands from SEA.



Amongst what was shared during her talk was the importance of keeping things subtle and not trying too hard. One her first recollection of working at FashionValet was being involved in deciding whether the FashionValet domain should end in dot com or dot net, they went with dot net initially thinking it would make them unique and hip, but has changed to dot com in keeping things current.



Ms Tan also stressed on how pivotal it is to have for a company to have a sense of direction and identity. Ms Tan, recalls when FashionValet started off, its focus was on strictly women’s fashion. However, when competitors with bigger budgets came into the frame, FashionValet almost strayed to expanding their catalogue to baby clothing, etc just to compete. This proved to be a mistake for FashionValet, as sales showed no signs of improvement. FashionValet reassessed their strategy and decided stop copying what their rivals are doing. They stayed true to their identity and continued with what made them successful in the first place.



Ms Tan concluded her talk with an advice to the audience, which was ‘to fake it till you make it’, Ms Tan explains how the fashion business can be a tough environment for anybody, and team leaders like herself need to develop a thick skin when receiving criticism and stay persistent when faced with tough challenges. Ms Tan’s mantra to keep her team motivated is ‘Just remember everyone. We will win, we will make it, because we are young and never ever give up’



Additionally, a significant number of fashion enthusiast, designers, and local entrepreneurs attended the talk. Mas Nona p.a to directors of L’Orient a local clothing company based in Kiulap, feels such talks are ’good because it enables individuals who are interested in fashion design to consider other’s views hence form a constructive discussion’.



Similarly, This was shared Siti Nur Hafida Hj Kula,  Creative director of L’Orient  ‘a lot of good can come out of these talks, It helps in giving opportunities for others to learn from each other, discuss about  the market and exchange ideas’



FashionValet was founded in 2010 with the aim of bringing the latest curated designers to your doorstep. It started with 5 brands, 3 staff.  The company slowly started to grow in 2011 with 30 brands and 15 staff members and in 2016, it has established 3 physical stores, 512 brands and 170 employees. On top of that Fashion Valet  is currently operating in 3 countries , delivers to 26 countries and also just launched its first billboard, reality show Love, Vivy.  




by BruDirect.com


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