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PM Requests More Efforts To Help Vietnamese Women Thrive

Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính meets nearly 100 outstanding women working in various fields on Monday in the capital city. — VNA/VNS Photo


 March 9th, 2022  |  12:15 PM  |   232 views



Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính highlighted the increasingly important role of Vietnamese women and their contributions to various sectors and fields during a meeting yesterday in the capital city.


The PM met with nearly 100 women who are outstanding individuals and leaders in various sectors ahead of International Women’s Day on March 8. He said more needs to be done to ensure better conditions for Vietnamese women to thrive.


The head of the Government said more and more women across the world are holding leadership and senior positions and making great impacts on society.


“[Having more women in leadership and senior positions] helps to contribute to the development of countries, organisations and communities towards civilisation, prosperity, peace, cooperation and development,” he said.


He noted that in Việt Nam, right from the dawn of the country, women had shown their patriotism and indomitable spirit and made huge contributions in the wars against enemies, citing the example of warrior ladies like the Trưng sisters, Bà Triệu, Lê Chân, Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai and Võ Thị Sáu.


In today's life, Vietnamese women are the continuation of that history, making great contributions to the country’s renewal, integration and development process, the PM said.


Vietnamese women have affirmed their role in every sector and industry, and have continuously enhanced their position both locally and internationally, he said.


PM Chính said the Party and Government have always paid due attention to the women’s issues and gender equality goal with mechanisms, policies and laws to create favourable conditions for women to thrive and push gender equality.


The rate of women in leadership in state and Party management agencies has increased. The 13th Party Central Committee has 19 female members (accounting for 9.5 per cent), the rate of female deputies to the 15th National Assembly is 30.26 per cent, the highest so far.


According to a Government report, women are part of the leadership at 44.53 per cent of central agencies, 45.52 per cent of provincial agencies, 53.74 per cent at district agencies and 35.64 per cent at commune agencies.


Việt Nam targets to have at least 40 per cent of candidates for managerial/leading positions in state agencies at all levels being women by 2025 and 50 per cent by 2030.


Việt Nam has a gender inequality index value of 0.296, ranking it 65 out of 162 countries in the 2019 index. It was ranked 87th out of more than 150 countries surveyed for gender gap narrowing.


The United Nations and the international community have recognised the efforts in gender equality and women’s progress of Việt Nam.


There have been 20 groups and 49 individuals working in different fields such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, agriculture, medicine and information technology, have been presented with the Kovalevskaia award (the first national award for female scientists) in the past 35 years.


Female researchers with great achievements and recognised internationally have brought both economic, scientific, and human values, he said.


The PM noted that there are still many disadvantaged women who live in poverty, poor areas, and are illiterate.


Many women still have to suffer domestic violence, sexual harassment or discrimination, which leave them with severe consequences on their physical and mental health, he said.


The PM said it is heartbreaking to see thousands of children losing their parents, many cannot go to school and many women have difficulty with their jobs, houses amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


PM Chính asked the authorities to raise awareness about the Party’s direction in the 13th National Party Central Committee resolution to enhance the capacity of female employees.


He told relevant authorities to review the implementation of policies of supporting people, especially women and children, affected by the pandemic as well as review policies for women, consult with the Government and Prime Minister on policies to ensure a better life for female workers in industrial zones, especially policies on housing and schools.


He said the authorities should also do research and propose policies for female teachers, especially those teaching at kindergartens, in remote areas as well as policies for female athletes and artists.


He suggested that more attention should be paid to increasing women leaders in state management agencies as well as improving the quality of women’s associations.


It is also important to encourage and create favourable conditions for female intellectuals and artists to make more contributions to the country’s renewal, integration and development, he said. — VNS



courtesy of VIET NAM NEWS



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